Deco X60 Guest Network Bandwidth Limitation (Upgrade)
There are a lot of features in Deco mesh system. One of the most used features is Guest Network bandwidth limitation. A deco user faces a situation where he switches the Deco X20 to X60 system, but can’t find Guest network bandwidth limitation feature in it. For your information, all deco devices provides the Guest network functions, you have to update your system on the Firmware 1.6 version. If not then update it first and then find the feature in the app or interface.
Update Deco Firmware to Latest Version
There are two methods to update the firmware version of the Deco device. One is Deco app and second is deco interface. Have a look how to update via both methods;
Via Deco App
Open the Deco app in your phone and select the node to update. Tap on the three dots and choose the Firmware option. Here, you just have to tap on the UPDATE button to start. After few minutes, the device will restart itself to install the new update.
Via Deco Login
The interface GUI will opens in the computer, so connect the computer or laptop to the Deco network. Open the browser, type the URL tplinkdeco.net or IP address Search it and you will get to the login page, where you must enter the username and password. Here, go in to the Settings > Firmware > UPDATE.
X60 Guest Network Bandwidth Limitation
After upgrading your Deco device to the latest one, you can find the feature in the app (make sure you update the app too). You can also find the feature settings into the interface in your computer.
Enable From App
Make sure that the Deco is in the router mode. Then open the Deco app and click on the Guest Network settings. You will reach to the Advanced page, here tap on the ‘Allow Local Access’. The feature is now activated. You have to set all settings given on the phone screen.
Enable From GUI
To enable the guest network settings, you can also use the GUI interface in your computer. To get to the interface, connect the computer or laptop to the Deco network. Open browser, type the URL tplinkdeco.net or IP address Search it and you will get to the deco login page where you must enter the username and password. The deco interface will open up.
Open the Advanced page > Guest Network > Enable the features > fill in the details and SAVE.